Looping a wave warp?
(too old to reply)
2004-02-26 02:02:50 UTC
Hi all,
I'm wondering how I would set up the wave warp effect in after effects to have a loopable point. Can anyone help?
I am running OS X and I am using AE 5.5
Any help would be great.
2004-02-26 03:46:34 UTC
You use a displacement map instead where the map is looped.

Take a solid with fractal noise applied to it. Fractal Noise has the option to make the evolution loop after a certain amount of cycles.

Then you can warp the orignal using the map. If displacemnt mapping isn't to you're liking then you can try to use the same map with caustics applied to the layer needing to be warped.
2004-02-26 05:50:12 UTC
jim thank you.
However, i'm not to sure how apply this to the layer necessary. should i use expresions?
What it is, is a illustrator file that i have applied a wave warp to. I don't have much experiance using fractal noise or a displacement map. Could you be a little more specific? thanks again for your help.
2004-02-26 18:35:33 UTC
Create a nested comp with a solid in it (you can do this by creating the solid first and precomping it or by creating the comp then dropping it into your current comp). This will be your layer map. Apply Fractal Noise to the layer inside your layer map.

Then apply Displacement Map to the layer you want to distort. Where the plugin allows you to select a layer map, select the nested comp. Finally, specify how much you want pixels to get displaced along the X and Y axes.

You can also displace X and Y independently by adding together red and green tinted fractal noise layers inside your layer map comp. This is a fairly advanced technique, so only try it once you are comfortable with the basics.

As far as fractal noise itself, pay particular attention to the "Evolution" option which, when animated, makes the noise roll around. "Cycle Evolution" lets you force the evolution to return to the same point over a specified period. Complexity controls how much detail you see--if you want soft folling waves, try setting this to 3 or 4. Also note that Noise Type effects how natural the noise looks. Beyond that, it is a very deep plugin, and very powerful. I'd recommend experimenting with it, and reading the extra documentation included in PDF's on the AE CD.

